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IRRI conducts electronic data capture training in Mozambique

The International Rice Research Institute Mozambique office organized an electronic data-capturing workshop in November 2022 to help researchers improve the efficiency and accuracy of their data collection processes.

For years, National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES) breeders have used traditional methods like  manually recording data in field logbooks. In other programs, breeders use conventional methods like spreadsheets to randomize and input data instead of using plant breeding software and tools. These methods often result in unnecessary delays and erroneous data.

A total of eighteen (18) breeders from the Mozambique Agricultural Research Institute (IIAM) participated in the three-day training which covered randomization using plant breeding tools and software, creation of QR code labels using the BarTender Software, data collection using IRRI apps like PBTools and FieldLab, and data analysis.

“The training on electronic data capturing will bring a huge transformation in the way breeders conduct their trials, as they will no longer use paper or use handwritten labels to collect data,” said Nuro Atumane, Head of the Umbeluzi Research Station.

Atumane added that the training is important and of value to their research programs as it allows breeders “to generate and collect data using digital tools that are more efficient than current traditional methods.”

During the closing remarks, IIAM Rice Program Coordinator of South Mozambique Natália Tesinde expressed gratitude on behalf of the participants, “This training is very important and useful because it aligns us with today’s world. In most cases, digital tools are used for data collection in the field and in other areas and we hope to use this new technology and be able to teach other colleagues.”